So, everything that we thought we killed this last year due to a lack of irrigation, no sprinkler system, and general neglect is looking amazing right now. About 2 months ago when the original owner came by to snatch up some old bricks, I asked her about all of her crazy plants. I say it again and again, but seriously there are so many plants in the front and backyard that we don't know much about. We found out some cool stories about all her lovely plants....
This tree is just stunning. Stays green ALL year long, provides a bit of shade for the front of the house, and is now in bloom with these crazy red fuzzy things. Seriously....looks so rad.

Here is a close-up of the fuzzies....aaaawwwwwwww. Aren't they fuzzy?!

We have 2 peach or nectarine trees in the back that are starting to show some green. I was THIS CLOSE to ripping them out of the ground because they looked so sad and cold in the winter time. I can't wait to eat some of the tasty fruit!!!

And we have a Pomegranate tree that we cut back a couple months ago and it looked like just sticks coming out of the ground. The original owner told me that it is a non-fruit bearing tree. I thought to myself...she would know what she's talking about, BUT there are HUGE fruit-like growths on the tree popping up all over it!!! There are flowers that come out of the growths, but Matt says that once the flowers fall off, the fruit grows in. I gotta find someone who knows about these trees because I want to eat this fruit!!! mmmmmmmmm.

This pretty thing is behind our sitting area atop the pool. Again, I didn't have much hope for it, but all of a sudden there are these gorgeous flowers. The guy who owns Pima Nursery said the tree is so rare that he wants some of the seeds!!! How strange.

We also have Wysteria blooming up next to the dog house...which leads me to my next blog entry....he he he