Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Wow! Has it already been 2 weeks since my last post?

Matt and I have been so busy lately that we haven't had a chance to document our progress on the house over the last 2 weeks. Here's a quick wrap-up to get us back up to speed!

We finally made room to park our cars on the side of the house. We rented a tamper and tamped down the dirt. We are eventually going to pour a slab or increase the size of the garage, but this will have to work for now!

Here is the photo of the dirt all tamped down
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Here is the 1st of the 3 cars successfully parked on the side of the house
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Here's the Chevy pulled in tight
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And, the last old car has to kinda stick out til we figure out another solution.....here's the Caddy
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Now all the cars aren't blocking the walkway to the entry courtyard or the view of the landscaping-yay!
Here's the view to the front patio that visitors will see on their approach
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We also insulated over 1000 sq ft of ceiling not previously insulated. The kitchen expansion, laundry room, man room, hallway, and front entry were completed uninsulated....lame. All we could fit up there was R-13, but that is better than nothing at all.
Here is a photo of the hallway.
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Here is a photo of the insulation up in the kitchen.
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Now the insulation is up in the laundry room too.
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And more insulation in the man room.
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The kitchen and hall bath are being attacked right now. We are framing in the tub, so we can start drywalling this week. Finally, we'll have 2 bathrooms!!!! Yay!!!
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We had our vent pipe for the kitchen sink removed and replaced with a breather valve.
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We also had our waterline run to the refrigerator...now we an have ice and water!!!!
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Here's another photo of the front entry.
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And, a mid-afternoon shady shot.
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